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How to wear an A-line dress | Who are suitable models of dresses A-shaped silhouette

  1. A-shape dress silhouette: what is it?
  2. To suit the A-line dress: choose by type
  3. What to wear with an A-line dress: style and image
  4. What to wear with an A-line dress: photo of models

The length of the A-silhouette is a dress, narrow in the chest area and evenly expanding downwards, resembling the letter “A” in shape. This style is derived from trapeze dresses . In the 60s of the last century, Christian Dior made some changes in the style of a trapezoid dress, slightly cutting it at the sides, but leaving the silhouette free.
The length of the A-silhouette is a dress, narrow in the chest area and evenly expanding downwards, resembling the letter “A” in shape

In this article:

A-shape dress silhouette: what is it?

Initially, the dress of this cut did not attract the attention of beauties of that time, but gradually, closer to the beginning of the 70s, when the word “freedom” sounded everywhere, free A-silhouette dresses entered the female wardrobe and remained there to this day.

A-line dresses, as a rule, are single cut and can be soft or hard (due to a petticoat) skirt. Most often they have a short sleeve or do not have sleeves at all, a long sleeve is quite rare and, as a rule, on exclusive models. The collar of the A-line dress is also diverse. During the appearance of this style in fashion was a stand-up collar and a turn-down collar, which are presently present on most models.

Modern designers, however, made many changes to this style, and therefore today A-silhouette dresses with a deep neckline of different shapes are quite common, and this is especially true for wedding dresses.

A-silhouette dresses can be monophonic, of various shades, as well as colored, especially cage, stripe, polka dots and other patterns correspond to the retro-direction.

Initially, the dress of a triangular cut was a kind of uniform, it was mostly short, and it was worn to work and at home, today this style is presented in a huge number of different options and can be found at cocktail parties and at ceremonial events.

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  • To suit the A-line dress: choose by type

    The A-line dress looks great on tall thin girls (the figure of the Slender Column), it gives them extra grace, fragility and charming tenderness. This dress hides many flaws, and therefore is perfect for women with any type of figure. So, girls with the figure of a Pear with the help of this style can successfully hide wide hips and full legs. If the figure, on the contrary, belongs to the type of Inverted Triangle, then under the long dress of this style you can hide the disproportionately narrow lower part of the body, balancing it with the upper one.

    For girls with a Rectangle shape that cannot boast a thin waist, the A-silhouette dress is a real magic wand - the free fit successfully hides this feature of the figure. In addition, the dress of this style helps to hide a small bulging tummy, folds on the sides and at the waist, and other unattractive details of the silhouette.

    Don't know your type of figure? Take the free test ..

    What to wear with an A-line dress: style and image

    Dresses A-silhouette business style, sleeveless or short sleeved, look great with a variety of blouses and turtlenecks. Short or medium-length dress goes well with tights and shoes, boats.

    Outerwear to this dress can be different, well-suited cardigan, short fitted coat, jacket, and even a bolero. To dress with long sleeves, you can pick up a fur vest.

    Modern models of A-silhouette dresses are perfectly combined with absolutely any classic shoes, be it sandals or shoes, with or without heels, ankle boots or high boots. Of course, you should not wear such a dress with coarse shoes or shoes with thick soles.

    Accessories are a must-have addition to the A-line dress, and here modern beauties have a huge scope for choice. Scarves, scarves, patch collars and other additional details look fashionable, stylish and original with a dress of this style, and give the look a complete look. In addition to the dress, you can wear bright beads with large beads or a long string of pearls. Long gloves, an irreplaceable element of the fashion of the sixties, can become an original and very elegant accessory for an A-line dress.

    To make a retro-image complete, for such a dress you need to pick up a handbag, it can be any woman’s handbag of medium size, a small clutch bag or an envelope bag.

    Can not determine your style of dress? Take the free test ..

    What to wear with an A-line dress: photo of models


A-shape dress silhouette: what is it?
Don't know your type of figure?
Can not determine your style of dress?

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